Posts by versluis

How to access your Mac files from Windows

Posted on Dec 1, 2021

I have a Mac and a PC on my internal network. Frequently I need to access files from either machine, depending which machines I’m working on. I have previously explained how to access Windows files from...

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How to setup a Facebook Live Event in advance

Posted on Nov 19, 2021

Facebook have one of the worst UIs ever. The interface changes every week, and I can never remember how to setup a live event there because it’s to unintuitive. Here’s how a quick step-by-step...

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Building a LAMP Stack in Fedora Workstation

Posted on Nov 17, 2021

I needed to wipe my Fedora laptop yesterday because an in-place upgrade/downgrade went awry. No data was lost, but when it comes to doing it all again from scratch, there’s always something that I...

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