I’ve had an interesting puzzle with my various Z workstations and their analogue audio outputs over the years: while the 3.5mm jacks at the back seem to be working fine, I can only get the front input...
Learn MoreWe’ve recently installed DS4 Windows on Julia’s PC so that she could play Fortnite with her PS4 controller. The moment we did this Windows started complaining that ms-gaming overlay link needs to...
Learn MoreLoot chests and footsteps are audio effects in Fortnite that can be heard thanks to spacial sound. To pinpoint their exact location we need stereo headphones or good speakers. Not all of us have either, so...
Learn MoreOn my streaming PC I have two internet connections: one is my main wired connection that comes in from a fibre, the other is an LTE router that works with a SIM card. On some days my upload speed on the main...
Learn MoreI picked up Playdead’s Limbo for $2.49 on EPIC a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed it and played it almost through to the end. When I picked it back up, I’ve noticed that the game had started...
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