Posts by versluis

Creating simple Shortcodes in WordPress

Posted on Sep 10, 2020

I’ve built my very own shortcode in WordPress for the first time. Quite the adventure! It’s a very convenient and powerful way to call a function without resorting to writing code while you’re writing text. I...

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How to re-open a closed Tab in Firefox

Posted on Sep 9, 2020

Hey I’ve been there more times than I can count: close one or several tabs, only to think, “dang – I needed to keep that one open. What was that URL again?” Looks like I’m not...

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How to style the WordPress Login Page

Posted on Sep 8, 2020

It’s relatively easy to add your own logo and a custom message to the default WordPress login page. Several plugins let you do that, but I’m a big fan of a little “hard coding”. It...

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