Posts by versluis

How to block Spam Trackbacks in WordPress

Posted on Feb 16, 2015

Trackbacks are a great way for other blogs to notify your blog about a link back to you. Many blogging platforms support this feature, including WordPress. But sometimes it’s very obvious that those...

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How to fix ProFTP Handshake Trouble in Plesk

Posted on Feb 15, 2015

I fixed a problem this morning which wouldn’t let the latest version of FileZilla v3.10.1.1 connect to one of my client’s servers anymore. This had not been a problem in the past. The connection...

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How to copy a CentOS ISO to USB on Mac OS X

Posted on Feb 12, 2015

Windows users have a great free tool called ISO2USB which efficiently transfers ISO images to a USB stick. Mac users don’t have such a luxury – at least I haven’t found one yet. Instead we...

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