How to change your Display Name on Fortnite, Unreal Engine and EPIC Games

I thought it would be fun to change my name in Fortnite. It’s easy to do and possible every two weeks (it’ll keep your friends on their toes as they have no idea who you are… which may or may not be a good thing). Here’s how to do it:

  • head over to and login
  • at the top right, next to the small green dot and your current name, select Account
  • under General – Account Info, just above your Personal Details, you’ll find your Display Name
  • it has a little icon next to it, click it and enter a new name

That’s it! Note that you need to quit the current game you’re playing, and exit the EPIC Launcher. Restart it and you’ll see your new display name greeting you and your friends in the launcher. Once you start a new game, your new name will appear in game as well.

Note that you can only do this every 14 days.

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