How to disable the user list at login on CentOS 7

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By default, CentOS 7 will display a list of all users on the system. Click on it, type in the password, and you’re in. This works well when you have a handful of users on the system.

However, on systems with a lot of users, not everyone can be displayed in that list – and scrolling up or down is impossible (and even if it was, it’s impractical at best). The solution is to replace that list with a box to type in a user, much like what would happen when you choose the “Not Listed” option.

Here’s how to do it:

From the command line, login as root and create a file called /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/00-login-screen. By default it does not exist.

vi /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/00-login-screen

Now add the following lines to it and save the file:

# Do not show the user list

This will tell GNOME not to display the list anymore, and instead bring up a text box as shown below. For the change to take effect, we need to update GNOME with the following command:

dconf update

And that’s it!

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