How to display an RSS Feed in Plesk 11.5

Plesk-LogoOne of the many new features in Plesk 11.5 is that you can customise the Panel appearance for your customers even more than before.

For example, Parallels allow us to display any RSS Feed in the control panel in the right sidebar.

Adding it isn’t as easy as it perhaps should be. In this article we’ll examine how to do it.

Here's what an RSS Feed looks like inside Plesk 11.5

Here’s what an RSS Feed looks like inside Plesk 11.5

How to we add a feed?

I had expected this to be a simple copy and paste session inside Plesk Panel itself. But that’s not the case.

You’ll have to login to your server via RSS and edit the following file:


If the file does not exist, create it (just type “vi /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/panel.ini”). Next add the following to this file:

web.enabled = true
web.type = rss
web.params.url =
web.params.count = 3

This will display the last three items of my RSS feed (line 4 sets the feed, line 3 the number of posts). When a user clicks on a headline, a new tab opens and the source URL is displayed. Very handy!

If you no longer want to display the feed, just set the web.enabled parameter to false in line 2.

Further Reading

The process is explained in Parallel’s Advanced Administrator Manual.