How to find out which version of GNOME you’re using

In the GNOME desktop, there is no obvious way to tell which version you’re running by way of the GUI. Instead, we need to consult the command line and try out a couple of commands to find out more. Here’s how.

Let’s open a Terminal session and do some hacking.


If you’re running GNOME 2.x (under CentOS 6 for example), you need to run the following command:

gnome-session --version

gnome-session 2.28.0

You may need to prefix this command with sudo, otherwise it will tell you that you’re alrady running a GNOME session.

Should the above not work, you’re likely on GNOME 3 (see next).


GNOME 3 uses a different command, namely this one:

gnome-panel --version

gnome-panel 3.24.2

If you don’t know which version of the GNOME panel you’re using (which is likely), try both commands. One of them will work, the other one won’t.

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