How to take pictures with Photo Booth on macOS

In this episode I’ll show you how to take pictures with built-in and external USB cameras using Photo Booth on macOS. Photo Booth is the equivalent of the Camera application in iOS.

I will also explain how to export your images, where they are stored on the hard disk, and what you can do if the built-in camera gives you an error message.

For Ivy-Jo.


As I’ve explained in the screencast, if Photo Booth or any other app is giving you grief about there camera “not being available”, you can try to reset the VDCAssistant process on macOS.

To do this, open the Terminal app, then type the following:

sudo killall VDCAssistant

Provide your administrator password when prompted, and without a reboot, Photo Booth should be working as it should. Thanks to Turn It Off And On Again for this tip!

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