How to find out what wakes up your Windows Computer
My wife’s computer keeps waking up after she puts it to sleep, or after the computer goes to sleep by itself. It’s… disturbing. Thankfully there’s a relatively easy to way to query why this happens and action it accordingly. Bring up a Command Prompt window by searching for cmd, then type the following: powercfg -lastwake This will show you what caused the last wake operation, usually indicating a particular piece of hardware that was involved. If it was the network adapter for example, some instruction over on your...
read moreHow to disable MEBx on the HP Z840 Workstation
I recently purhcased a HP Z840 worksation from eBay. It’s my fourth unit actually, and each model in the Z series is slightly different. This one had something called MEBx during boot, considerably increasing the time it takes to boot the system. Hence I was wondering how to disable it. In case you didn’t know this, MEBx is the Intel Management Engine’s BIOS Extension. If I understand correctly, it’s a MINIX based operating system that runs on workstations and servers before the actual operating system is loaded. This...
read moreHow to disable Audio Notifications in Discord
You’d think that when you disable notifications in your operating system’s notification centre, those super annoying plinks and plonks an app can send would just disappear. It’s true, unless you’re using Discord, where it doesn’t work. They’re perhaps a little too hip and trendy to follow an established pattern. Instead, audio notifications are set in the app itself, and whatever preference you set there counts. You have to do this for every machine Discord is install on, even though it appears such users...
read moreHow to check your NoMachine Version Number on Windows
NoMachine doesn’t have traditional menus, at least not on Windows. There’s no way to head over to something like Help – About NoMachine and discover the current version number, like there is on the Mac. Instead, you’ll have to do the following: start the NoMachine GUI, as if you are about to login to another machineselect Settingsat the bottom of the window, choose Server Preferencesselect the last tab at the top called Updates You can also update to the latest version manually from this window. This works on all...
read moreHow to change your Display Name on Fortnite, Unreal Engine and EPIC Games
I thought it would be fun to change my name in Fortnite. It’s easy to do and possible every two weeks (it’ll keep your friends on their toes as they have no idea who you are… which may or may not be a good thing). Here’s how to do it: head over to and loginat the top right, next to the small green dot and your current name, select Accountunder General – Account Info, just above your Personal Details, you’ll find your Display Nameit has a little icon next to it, click it and enter a new name...
read moreWhere are NVIDIA Highlights stored
Fortnite and other games can create automatic highlights when certain trigger events happen. It took me some time to figure out where these are stored, and I thought I’d share how you can find out the exact location on your system. Open the GeForce Experience: either by searching for itor using the Start – NVIDIA – GeForce Experienceor by right-clicking the NVIDIA icon in the task bar and choosing GeForce Experience Now click on the gear icon at the top right to go into the Settings Menu. Under General there’s a...
read moreHow to reset your Netgear ORBI Router Password
I’ve seen some seriously terrible user experiences in my time. Netgear’s ORBI LTE Router has got to be somewhere very high in the top ten list of shittest user experiences of this decade. The amount of time I’ve wasted getting this pathetic mess going is rather scary, yet I persevered. I’m as surprised as you are! I don’t want to bore you with the details, just put a quick note here to remind myself and anyone else out there close to going mental how to recover your lost ORBI Router password. Option 1: Soft Reset...
read moreHow to clear your Cookies in Google Chrome
Cookies can be the downfall of every healthy web browser. Just like humans eat too many cookies, browsers can develop serious unreasonable issues when ingesting too much. I always forget how to clear them out, so I thought I’d make a note here. Doing this from time to time has greatly helped me cure anything from odd login issues to stabilising YouTube streams This works for Google Chrome 90 and above on Windows and macOS. Here’s how to do it, it’s really simple: in your browser bar at the top, find the little lock icon and...
read moreHow to clear your Cache and Cookies in Firefox
Cookies can be the downfall of every healthy web browser. Just like humans eat too many cookies, browsers can develop serious unreasonable issues when ingesting too much. I always forget how to clear them out, so I thought I’d make a note here. Doing this from time to time has greatly helped me cure anything from odd login issues to stabilising YouTube streams This works for Firefox 88 and above on Windows, Linux and macOS. Here’s how to do it, it’s really simple: in your browser bar at the top, find the little lock icon and...
read moreHow to clear your Cache and Cookies in Safari
Cookies can be the downfall of every healthy web browser. Just like humans eat too many cookies, browsers can develop serious unreasonable issues when ingesting too much. I always forget how to clear them out, so I thought I’d make a note here. This works for Safari 13 on macOS High Sierra and above. head over to Safari – Preferenceschoose the Privacy Tabclick on Manage Website Data This will bring up a list of websites you’ve visited, along with the type of data these sites have stored. Cookies and Cache are the most common...
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