
How to open blank new tabs in Microsoft Edge

Posted by on 4:10 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to open blank new tabs in Microsoft Edge

By default, Microsoft Edge opens new tabs with a plethora of junk that I do not care to see. Unimportant articles from sources I’d never read, weather from regions I’d never visit, and a ton of other crap that makes puts a downer on my online life. As changes are being introduced into Edge hard and fast, Microsoft has sadly removed the option to open blank new tabs with just nothing on them. Lucky for us, there’s a “minimal junk” option that we can use instead. It still displays stuff we don’t necessarily...

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How to enable Dark Mode in Microsoft Edge

Posted by on 3:59 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to enable Dark Mode in Microsoft Edge

I currently have an issue with literally all browsers on all my computers, for reasons that make no sense whatsoever. In desperation I tried the last option I could think of, which was Microsoft Edge. I’m still shocked that it’s currently my only option to watch YouTube streams. But hey, I’m grateful that at least one browser works, until I can fix all the others. Not knowing much about Edge, I thought the first thing I’ll do is to switch it over to Dark Mode. That wasn’t easy, and other articles suggest...

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How to update the BIOS on a HP Z840 Workstation (from Windows)

Posted by on 9:43 am in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to update the BIOS on a HP Z840 Workstation (from Windows)

I’ve been pulling my hair out about something rather simple and straightforward, namely how to update the BIOS on a HP Z840 Workstation I’ve picked up from eBay. It’s gorgeous, probably one of the best computers I’ve ever owned. I love it! While HP do have a section dedicated to drivers and updates about the Z840 on their website, they don’t actually tell you exactly how to use their downloads. You have to find that out by yourself. Well here’s what worked for me fellow traveller, in May 2021: head over to...

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How to connect a PS4 Controller to your PS4 Console

Posted by on 9:10 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to connect a PS4 Controller to your PS4 Console

I love using the Playstation 4 controller. It usually behaves well once connected to one device, but getting there is often a total nightmare. Sony got may things right in their user experience, however connecting PS4 controllers isn’t one of them. Here’s how I’ve managed to connect my PS4 controller to my PS4 console, after it has been connected to a Windows PC. Resetting the Controller To make sure the controller does not accidentally speak to a nearby system, make sure to reset it. If it has been paired with Windows...

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Where to find your Facebook Page Admin invites

Posted by on 1:45 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Where to find your Facebook Page Admin invites

I was invited to manage a Facebook Page recently. This requires the owner/admin of said page to send out an invite to my personal profile, to which all pages are linked. It’s done under Settings – Page Roles. In an ideal world, this will result in an actionable email or browser notification at my end. All I would then do is to accept the invite, and I’ll be able to manage the Facebook page. Sadly I never got an email or a notification. We’ve verified that the invite had definitely been sent, but no matter how hard I...

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How to disable Steam Pop-Up Ads on Startup

Posted by on 2:17 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to disable Steam Pop-Up Ads on Startup

I’ve been getting a tad tired of the sales notifications that show up whenever I start Steam on one of my systems. I had disabled this ages ago on my main computer but couldn’t remember where the setting was. Here it is: head over to Steam – Settings – Interface (that’s at the top left corner) and disable the option “notify me about additions or changes…” at the bottom. Another internet mystery has been solved!

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How to avoid Firefox from opening on random desktops on macOS

Posted by on 12:10 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to avoid Firefox from opening on random desktops on macOS

I’m a Firefox user, have been for years. Updates are happening hard and fast, and as such sometimes – and I guess inevitably – things stop working they way they used to before an update. Did I mention I genuinely and passionately HATE updates? Well one such update recently meant that Firefox no longer opens on the Desktop (space) that I’m on, but 8 spaces over. It never did that before, but now it doesn’t do anything but. Major annoying. Zero explanation as to why that happens. It just does. It’s a...

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Removing a software RAID in Fedora

Posted by on 4:39 am in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Removing a software RAID in Fedora

I’ve been playing with various configurations of my software RAID and thought I’d start again from scratch. The obvious question then was, how would I remove my previous efforts? This seems to be different depending on the distribution, so here’s what worked for me in Fedora 33. I’m assuming here that my RAID is /dev/md1. First we’ll take a look at which drives are currently in use on the existing configuration. We can do that in two ways, either by using mdadm --detail /dev/md1 or read this file: cat...

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OneDrive keeps un-deleting files – and how I fixed it (at least on my system)

Posted by on 7:21 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on OneDrive keeps un-deleting files – and how I fixed it (at least on my system)

I just had an annoying issue in which I’ve deleted a large number of files (about 1000 or so, across two folders), and OneDrive kept bringing them back a few seconds later. No matter where I’ve deleted the files (either of my PC’s, my Mac or the cloud), they kept re-appearing. I read a tip on the Microsoft Forum about users with the same issues, so at least I was not alone. Turns out that one computer doesn’t seem to get the message and puts the files back. The trick is to figure out which computer that is, then sign...

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How to search across all files in the current Workspace in Visual Studio Code

Posted by on 4:01 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to search across all files in the current Workspace in Visual Studio Code

CTRL + F will let us find (and replace) text in the current open file. Often we need to drill deeper and find a phrase that’s hidden in another file in the current workspace. We can do this in one of two ways: either, click on the little search icon at the top left, then type a phrase in the box. Or, hit SHIFT + CTRL + F to do the same thing.

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