
How to delete a Windows Recovery Partition

Posted by on 2:38 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to delete a Windows Recovery Partition

I re-utilise my hard drives from time to time, and as such I need to re-purpose partitions when I do. Operating systems have a habit of adding additional protected partitions when they’re installed as a boot drive, and when we want to use them as storage drive we don’t need those. So let’s delete them. Thing is, protected Recover Partitions aren’t so easy to get rid of. In this article I’ll show you what worked for me on Windows 10, using a second drive that once was a boot drive. Disk Cleanup (Prep Work) The...

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So I’ve picked up NO MAN’S SKY – and here’s what I think

Posted by on 3:14 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on So I’ve picked up NO MAN’S SKY – and here’s what I think

I’ve heard so many mixed reviews about NO MAN’S SKY that made me wonder what all the fuzz was about. On the surface the game seems to be something I might enjoy, combining exploration on a vast scale, building, crafting and handsome looking graphics. The asking price of $60 promises a AAA title, so when it was on sale the other day, both on Steam and on GOG, I picked it up and had a look at it. I’m coming into this game cold, not knowing what to expect. I literally had no expectations, other than the hope of having a good...

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Where does CONTROL store Game Saves

Posted by on 9:58 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Where does CONTROL store Game Saves

I came to this interesting “retro” type area in CONTROL, the one in which Jesse is dressed as an FBC office assistant. I thought this woudl be a great area to explore further with Photo Mode. However, there was really no way to save my game in that section – at least none that I could think of. CONTROL uses an auto-save feature, which means that when I reach the next section, it may not have been easy for me to go back to where I currently was. I decided to investigate where CONTROL stores its save games and found...

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Where does CONTROL save shots from Photo Mode (on Windows)

Posted by on 5:48 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Where does CONTROL save shots from Photo Mode (on Windows)

Remedy and 505 Games did a good job implementing Photo Mode in CONTROL across all platforms yesterday. While they did a great job telling everyone about this feature, they did a lousy job telling us where those screenshots are actually saved. It might be more obvious on games consoles where you have limited places to investigate, but I spent half an hour exploring my Windows hard disks without joy. Until Leuncode on Discord answered my puzzled question and said, “it’s in the Documents Folder”. Thank you so much for clearing...

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How to pause recordings in OBS 24

Posted by on 10:35 am in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to pause recordings in OBS 24

A wonderful new feature in OBS 24 is the ability to pause you recordings. This can come in handy if you want to create a quick and rough recording, without taking multiple files into a video editor. It’ll speed up your workflow and increase quality for files you want to send away “as is”. Question is: HOW do we pause recordings in OBS 24 and above? If you’ve been looking for a pause button but can’t find it, let me give you some pointers on how to make it magically appear. First of all, OBS can’t pause live...

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How to play XIII (Classic) – PC Keyboard Layout

Posted by on 3:05 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on How to play XIII (Classic) – PC Keyboard Layout

Back in the days when I had a physical copy of XIII, I never had that problem with the console versions of the game. There are only so many buttons to press on a controller, and there’s an in-game tutorial that tells you. Surprisingly, the current version comes with a manual, but it does not mention the keyboard layout. Neither did the original manual for the physical game if I remember correctly. When I wanted to map the PC kets to my controller using Xpadder, I quickly realised that aside from walking and basic shooting, I had...

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XIII Classic – available again on

Posted by on 5:14 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on XIII Classic – available again on

I got a newsletter from today, and in it was XIII – listed as “new”. Which is weird, because some reviews on the site date back to 2012. It looks like this title was unavailable for many years. I know this because as it happens, I’ve been looking for this very PC version for several years. I’m glad we can legally own it once again! Let me explain a bit more. I used to love XIII back in the day, both for PC and consoles. I played the Xbox version when it came out, and have consequently bought the PC...

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Xiberia V20 / Jeecoo Gaming Headset Review

Posted by on 3:42 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Xiberia V20 / Jeecoo Gaming Headset Review

I’ve recently picked up a new Xiberia headset from Jeecoo for $30 on Amazon. It’s a rather large pair of noise cancelling USB stereo headphones with a built-in microphone. I wanted to use these for streaming without disturbing my wife when she’s hard at work on the desk next to me, while avoiding any echoing that would be induced when using a desktop speaker. I’ve been using for the last week and wanted to share my thoughts on it with you here. The exact model number is the V20, the exact same model that’s available from Walmart for nearly...

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Apple Pencil Review: My Experiences with the 1st Generation

Posted by on 3:14 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Apple Pencil Review: My Experiences with the 1st Generation

I’ve been using my Apple Pencil 1st Generation with my iPad 6 for the last couple of months on and off, and thought I’d share some thoughts on my experiences. I’ve left this review on and though I’d post it here for posterity. Enjoy! This is the Apple Pencil 1st generation. It’s title doesn’t do it justice, because it suggests that it’s inferior to the 2nd generation, and that it will soon be replaced. The story is a little different as you may know. This pencil is compatible with the 6th...

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Fixed: Can’t connect PlayStation to EPIC Games Account

Posted by on 3:22 pm in Knowledge Base | Comments Off on Fixed: Can’t connect PlayStation to EPIC Games Account

Funny story: a few weeks ago I’ve signed up for an EPIC Games account, so that I can play with the Unreal Engine, and to play some of their games. Last week I went through my profile in more detail and came across the section that allowed me to connect various other accounts, like GitHub, Twitch, Xbox and PlayStation. They all connected fine, except for the PlayStation account. I always got the error message that “this PlayStation account has already been connected to another EPIC account”. Being 200% sure that I did not have another EPIC...

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